Is deviated septum surgery high risk?
Deviated septum surgery is not a high-risk surgery to be feared. The first recovery period of nasal curvature surgery is 1-2 weeks. Old-type tampons are not usually used in this surgery. New-generation perforated breathable silicones are used. The healing process is easier with these silicones.
Does fixing a deviated septum change nose shape?
Deviation surgery corrects nasal curvatures that do not aim to achieve aesthetic results. If the patient requests and the surgeon deems appropriate, rhinoplasty can also be performed to change the shape of the nose after deviation surgery.
Can deviated septum surgery cause complications?
Deviation surgery carries the risks of every surgical operation. Apart from this, deviation surgery is not dangerous and the complication rate of the surgery is very low.
What are the risks of deviated septum surgery?
The risks of deviated septum surgery can be listed as follows: Possible complications include bleeding, blood accumulation in the septum (haematoma), infection, adhesion in the nasal tissues (synechiae) and formation of a hole in the nasal wall.
Is deviated septum surgery risky?
Nasal curvature surgery is a low-risk surgery. Every surgical procedure carries the possibility of complications such as bleeding, blood accumulation and infection.
Is deviated septum surgery necessary
Your ENT specialist surgeon examines you and determines whether you need surgery. The only criterion here is not the external appearance of the nose. The most important point in deciding on surgery is whether the individual has respiratory distress. If there is difficulty in breathing, surgery is a must.
What is deviated septum?
Deviated septum, also known as nasal curvature, is the bending of the thin bone and cartilage (nasal septum) tissue in the nasal cavity to the right or left, not in the middle position. This nasal bone curvature is seen in many individuals at a mild level. However, advanced bone curvature requires surgical intervention because it causes both aesthetic problems and breathing problems. Abnormalities in the nasal septum cause problems such as nasal congestion, bleeding, and snoring. These abnormalities can also occur congenitally or after trauma.
How to treat deviated septum?
Deviated septum treatment is performed as septoplasty or drug treatment after a doctor's examination.
How long does a deviated septum surgery take to heal?
If only small touches are made for comfortable breathing during deviated septum surgery, recovery is completed in about 15-30 days. If aesthetic interventions are performed during deviated septum surgery, the full recovery period is prolonged. Protecting the nasal tissues as recommended by your surgeon after nose surgery, postoperative care, nasal washing, and cleaning the nose accelerate recovery.
Paying attention to what to do after deviated septum surgery increases the success of the surgery and accelerates recovery.
Are there stitches in deviated septum surgery?
In deviated septum surgery,the incisions are usually closed with stitches that can dissolve in the body.
What if I don't fix my deviated septum?
Since deviated septum prevents healthy and comfortable breathing, it can cause many problems related to breathing when left untreated. If deviated septum (nasal bone curvature) is not treated: sinusitis, problems with pressure in the middle ear—fluid accumulations—middle ear inflammation, nosebleeds, nasal discharge, sleep apnea, headache, dryness, and wounds in the nose, developmental retardation in children... If left untreated for a long time, this disease can also interfere with the healthy functioning of other organs, leading to heart rhythm disorders, heart failure, chronic fatigue and tension, weight gain, and lung problems.
Will deviated septum surgery change my voice?
The voice may change after deviated septum surgery because the individual breathes comfortably after the surgery. While breathing before the operation, the air rubs and hits some tissues in the nose. Since these frictions and bumps will not be present after the operation, a change in voice tone can be seen.
Can a deviated septum affect speech?
Dry mouth is seen due to nasal bone curvature. Dryness leads to the observation of taste problems, bad breath, tickling cough, and nasal speech. Following surgery to eliminate deviation, the individual no longer speaks nasally, thereby affecting speech.
This article is for informational and advisory purposes. The recommendations of your surgeon, who will examine you and perform nose surgery, should be a priority.
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