Which nose shape/type is most suitable for your face shape/type? in Turkey, Antalya

Antalya Rhinoplasty - Nose Aesthetics

How to determine the most suitable nose shape for your face type?

Plastic surgeon assesses your face type to select the best nose shape. The surgeon will analyse the structure of your nose, the symmetry of your face overall, and other facial features. The surgeon will also consider your wishes and expectations. The aim of rhinoplasty surgery is to ensure that the patient's reshaped nose is in harmony with the forehead, lips, cheekbones, lower jaw tip, and food—in short, with the whole face—and to increase facial beauty.

Which nose shape/type is most suitable for your face shape/type? in Turkey, Antalya

The plastic surgeon will assess how the nose's structure influences the face's overall symmetry during rhinoplasty surgery and discuss potential corrections. For instance, performing nasal root enlargement can distort the face's symmetry. Similarly, performing a nasal tip lift can distort the overall symmetry of the face due to the larger nasal tip.

Nose types:

  • Wide base nose
  • Arched nose
  • Collapsed nose
  • Ball like nose tip
  • The tip of the nose is wider than normal and nose look like a ball
  • The tip of the nose is quite large and very protruding nose like a ball
  • Narrow or curved nose

There are some distinctions between rhinoplasty treatments performed on women and males. Because of this, there isn't a single nose type that works for both men and women. Each gender has a distinct nasal structure, facial characteristics, and face.

Patients who apply for rhinoplasty have their nose and face structures evaluated. It is decided which parts require correction. A rhinoplasty surgery plan is prepared by considering the golden ratio measurements. The ratios examined are as follows:

  • Forehead to nose ratio,
  • Length of the nose,
  • Nose-lip angle,
  • Nose base width,
  • Height of the tip of the nose,
  • The size and shape of the nostrils,
  • The ratio between the nose's tip and nose back.

Our plastic surgeon uses front, profile, and diagonal photos to create an aesthetic procedure for our patients when they visit our facility and the data derived from measurements and aesthetic proportions. The most appropriate nose shape will be designed for you by your skilled plastic surgeon.

For a nose job, just a rhinoplasty surgery may not be sufficient. Light touches to the lower jaw, eyebrows, cheeks, lips, and facial features may be required in certain situations. Little touches will expose our patient's nose's attractiveness.

Reducing the size of your nose may not always make it more attractive. When reducing the nose, highlighting certain areas can yield more effective results.

Together with our skilled cosmetic surgeon, you can ultimately determine which nose shape best suits your face type.

What determines the shape of your nose?

When shaping the nose, the angles of the face and the proportions on the face that affect the individual's appearance are taken into account. Angles on the face: forehead-nose angle, nose-lip angle, nose-chin angle, chin-neck angle can be listed. Proportions of the face: The ratio of the size of the ears to the nose, and the ratios of the forehead, nose, and chin to each other. The best nose for a person is chosen by taking into account the angles and proportions of their face.

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