Why does aesthetic nose collapse?
Nasal collapse after aesthetics is a very rare condition. In cases where the nasal bone and cartilage tissue are removed more than necessary during rhinoplasty, nasal collapse may occur after rhinoplasty.

What causes nasal collapse?
An experienced ENT specialist usually does not experience nasal collapse after rhinoplasty. This health problem may occur when rhinoplasty is performed by people who are not competent in the field. Another cause of nasal collapse is the negativities experienced during the healing process.
- Rhinoplasty surgery is not performed by people with sufficient experience,
- Insufficient bone and cartilage tissues to carry the nose,
- Removal of excess tissue from the dorsum of the nose during rhinoplasty,
- It can be listed as a blow to the nose after rhinoplasty.
The causes of nasal collapse:
Treatment for aesthetic nasal collapse
In case of a nose collapse with aesthetics, a correction procedure is performed to treat it. We perform nasal collapse correction using a method known as chopped cartilage.
To apply the chopped cartilage technique, one must complete the healing period after rhinoplasty.
What is the diced cartilage technique?
The diced cartilage technique corrects the nose's collapse with a special injection.
In cases where this technique is insufficient, revision rhinoplasty surgery may be required.
Revision Rhinoplasty in Turkey, Antalya
Aesthetic nose tip collapse
Nasal tip collapse after rhinoplasty is a rare condition. Since the patient cannot breathe comfortably in the case of nasal tip collapse, it is important to eliminate the problem both aesthetically and functionally.
Depending on the condition of the collapse, your ENT specialist surgeon will make the necessary corrections with surgical or non-surgical methods.
What are the symptoms of a nasal dorsal deformity?
Symptoms of collapse in the dorsum of the nose are usually visible. The patient notices the change in the form of the nose after the surgery and consults a doctor because of this abnormality.
- Collapse of the dorsal part of the nose; collapse of one or both sides of the nose,
- Vertical change in nasal tip appearance,
- Reduced length of the tip of the nose,
- Retrusion of the nasal septum.
Symptoms of nasal dorsal collapse:
How is nasal collapse (saddle nose surgery) fixed?
Different grafting materials can replace the lost tissue for saddle nose surgery. In order to graft cartilage tissue, it can be taken from the individual's own rib or auricle, or cartilage taken from cadavers can also be used. Cartilage grafting can also be performed using titanium silicone-based products. Among these methods, parts taken from the patient's own body are generally used. Using the patient's own body parts for grafting prevents tissue reactions and infections. After the selection of the tissue to be integrated into the nose together with the patient, nasal collapse surgery can be performed.
How to fix a collapsed nose?
Although nasal collapse, which rarely occurs after rhinoplasty, can be corrected with some non-surgical methods, it is usually corrected by surgical methods with cartilage addition.
How does a nose collapse happen?
Nasal collapse is the formation of a gap between the nose's root and tip. The nose is one of the focal points of facial beauty, and it is important for every individual that it looks aesthetically pleasing and, at the same time, healthy to ensure comfortable breathing. Collapse disrupts aesthetic beauty and prevents comfortable breathing.

Lateral nasal wall collapse
If there is not enough support on the lateral walls of the nose, collapse occurs and the patient experiences breathing problems. The collapse of the lateral walls of the nose may occur congenitally or due to traumas experienced during the developmental period, or it may occur after unsuccessful rhinoplasty surgery. The collapse of the lateral walls of the nose prevents the patient from breathing comfortably due to the inward collapse of the wings of the nose while breathing. Since the nose cannot fully fulfil its function, this problem should be eliminated with rhinoplasty surgery.
This article is for informational and advisory purposes. The recommendations of your surgeon, who will examine you and perform nose surgery, should be a priority.
Please contact us for more detailed information.