Cough Relief: How do you get rid of a cough?
Many people experience coughing during the fall and winter months. In order to stop coughing, you should first consult ENT specialist Ümit Küçüktepe or a pulmonologist depending on the course of the disease. You should definitely follow what your doctor advises you and take care to use the medications prescribed to you. Apart from this, you can find the answer to your question, “How to stop a cough?” below.
- Dry air can increase coughing. Place water and wet cloths on the heating radiators in winter to prevent the house's air from drying out. Stove houses should place water on the stove.
- Ventilation should occur frequently in the environment. Fresh air can be beneficial for coughing.
- Lemon water with honey, a mixture of honey and cinnamon, can be beneficial for coughing.
- It is possible to remove bacteria from the mouth by gargling with salt water. This can also be beneficial for coughing.
- Propolis supports the immune system. It supports the body's ability to recover during illness.
- Throat lozenges, linden, turmeric, and ginger teas are beneficial for coughing.

How to stop coughing at night?
Humid air soothes the throat and relieves coughing. For this reason, it can be good to use a steam machine during a coughing attack at night.
A person experiencing a cough attack should definitely quit smoking.
The environment should be ventilated, and everything that can cause dust and allergies in it should be removed from the person experiencing a cough attack.
You should use a pillow to keep your head slightly elevated while you sleep.
Warm drinks and plenty of water should be consumed to soften and moisturise the throat and reduce the irritation that may occur due to coughing.
How do you break up a phlegmy cough in a child?
If you have a child with a cough with phlegm, you should teach him/her that when he/she has phlegm in his/her mouth with a cough, he/she should spit it out into the sink or on a napkin. You should ensure that the child consumes plenty of fluids, ventilate the environment, keep the air humid, and keep the room clean and dust-free.
What to do for cough and phlegm at home?
Apart from the above, for coughs and phlegm, it will be effective to bend over hot water vapour at home with a blanket over you, wait a few minutes in this way at a distance that will not burn your skin, and gargle with salt water.
Why does the cough increase when lying down? What causes a cough at night?
Coughing at night can be caused by flu, colds, allergies... Lying on your back can also cause coughing when you have a nasal discharge. In this case, you should sleep on your side and keep your head slightly elevated.
Do not sleep in an uncleaned room with lots of green plants and dry air.
If you cannot sleep because of a persistent dry cough, you should drink warm drinks to soften your throat. Sipping the water you will keep by your bedside will also help you moisturise your throat during a coughing attack at night and help you sleep more comfortably until your illness passes.
Why is my dry cough not going away? How do you fix a persistent dry cough?
A dry cough that does not go away is usually caused by causes such as nasal discharge and allergies and can be treated. A persistent dry cough is a condition that can negatively affect daily life and reduce its quality. However, you can quickly overcome the cough problem with plenty of fluid intake, healthy nutrition, gargling with salt water, inhaling steam, and humidifying the environment.
A persistent dry cough is rarely a symptom of cancer or other serious lung diseases. Therefore, if you have been suffering from a dry cough for a long time, you should definitely see a doctor.
Can a cough heal without antibiotics?
Viral infections pass 80-90% of the time without the need for antibiotics. It is possible to overcome the disease caused by viral infection with rest, plenty of fluid intake, and healthy nutrition.
How do I get rid of a tickle cough?
In addition to the procedures that are good for coughing attacks, herbal teas with cloves, ginger, and turmeric; lemon water with honey; and honey can be consumed to soften the throat and strengthen immunity in tickling-type coughs.
How to stop coughing fast?
Irritation and dryness in the throat often increase coughing. To alleviate coughing, it is useful to soften the throat by drinking fluids frequently. You can gargle with salt water. Herbal teas that will strengthen immunity and are beneficial for the body can be consumed. Regular use of medicines recommended by your doctor relieves cough.
This article is for informational and advisory purposes. The recommendations of your surgeon, who will examine you and perform nose surgery, should be a priority.
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